Orange Immortelles en masse

The Orange Immortelle (Waitzia acuminata acuminata) produces a stunning wildflower carpet in September-October. On sandy soil, particularly in the Mallee woodlands, the yellow sometimes extends as far as the eye can see. These photos are from 2020 which was an especially good year.

Waitzia acuminata 2020-09 (2).jpg

This little papery daisy is common throughout north-west Victoria and is also found in every mainland state.

Waitzia acuminata immortelle 2020-10 Nowingi (1).jpg
Immortelle (2).jpg

It is an annual species which responds to good winter rainfall with a vivid yellowy-orange display. It is easy to grow from seed planted in Autumn, so I’ll be trying to replicate this display in my garden!

Immortelle (1).jpg
Waitzia acuminata immortelle 2020-10 Nowingi (7).jpg

First published 18 October, 2020


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