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Fiona Murdoch Fiona Murdoch


The Caper White butterflies have arrived, bees are swarming, a weekend for Malleefowl, a Giant Scavenging Water Beetle and Swallowtail butterflies.

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Fiona Murdoch Fiona Murdoch

October socials

The lizards are out - a very yellow Central Bearded Dragon and a fierce Stumpytail. It’s Gazania hunting season. The White-browed Wood Swallows have arrived, and an attack of the Army Ants!

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Plants Fiona Murdoch Plants Fiona Murdoch

Grand flowers in the Mallee

This is Austral Bugle (Ajuga australis). Plants from Raakajlim will contribute to understanding the taxonomy of this species. But it looks like the Mallee plants are the grandest of them all!

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