Projects underway …

  • Our butterfly

    We look after the largest known population of this special butterfly. Learn more about its bizarre relationship with an ant, and how private land conservation is contributing to saving this species.

  • Revegetation

    We are becoming increasingly creative with our revegetation techniques to combat the challenges of climate change.

    Each year we collect, propagate and plant out 100s of tube stock and kilometres of direct seeding. We have trialled water-absorbing polymers, slow-release watering devices, soil microbes, shading, brush piles, water jetting and deep-rooted tube stock.

  • Conservation fencing

    We have completely enclosed our 490-hectare conservation property with an electric fence to manage grazing pressure from kangaroos.

    The fence also excludes pigs and goats, their trampling, wallowing and eating! We expect to see a huge response as rare plants return, habitat improves, and we won’t need to individually guard every tree we plant.

  • Buffel Grass

    Preventing Buffel Grass from establishing in Victoria!

    Buffel Grass is a nasty, nasty weed. The risk to biodiversity from Buffel Grass is as great as the threat posed by feral cats and foxes! It has devastated conservation reserves in South Australia and the Northern Territory, but it is not yet established in Victoria.