Identifying Buffel Grass- desktop

Explore this 3D model of Buffel Grass to help identify this weed and keep it out of Victoria.

This model is best if viewed on a desktop. Click on the image below to access it. For some systems, it’s better to access the model directly here.

It is often easiest to then click on the icon in the lower right to display the model in full-screen view. Then scroll through the plant’s key features using the arrows on the “Select an annotation” button on the lower middle section.


  • Spin the plant around: Left click + drag

  • Pick the plant up and move it: Right click + drag or Shift + Left click

  • Zoom in and out: Double-click on the model, or scroll with the mouse wheel

  • The menu bar down the bottom displays when you hover down the bottom. Use this to scroll through the plant’s key features using the arrows on the “select an annotation button.

  • Also on the menu bar at the bottom is a small question mark. You can use this to reset the model view if you get lost!

If you have any technical issues with Sketchfab, try this help page: Compatibility. This model is quite large so on slow connections it might take a minute or so to load. If you want to use the model in the field where there isn't mobile service you can load it at home using wifi connection. For as long as the model's page is open the model will be accessible. As soon as the page is closed the model will have to re-load. 

The project was supported by the Victorian Government through a Landcare Grant from the Mallee CMA.


Identifying Buffel Grass


Identifying Buffel Grass- mobile device