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Dragonflies, Damselflies and carnivorous Mudeyes
Dragonflies dragging each other around by the head, psychedelic Damselflies, and an epic battle with a Mudeye.
Tah Vine and Hawk Moths
A rare plant called Boerhavia coccinea, the food plant for the Striped Hawk Moth caterpillar Yeperenye.
An ant cake
My 2021 entry for the threatened species bake-off. The annual baking competition is held just prior to Threatened Species Day on September 7th.
Looking after the Arid Bronze Azure Butterfly
Well, we made it to number seven. But I’m not sure the list of Australian butterflies most likely to go extinct is a list that you want to top.
The Spotted Predatory Katydid
If you’re a cicada, this is the last thing you’ll see before half of your head is ripped off. This Katydid is a unique example of “aggressive acoustic mimicry”.
Spider Wasp versus Wolf Spider
This Spider Wasp dragged a Wolf Spider for 55 metres to stash it in her nesting burrow.
Summer rainfall and termites
Is the colonising flight of thousands of termites a good or a bad thing?
Sand turd beetles
The sand turds are everywhere in the Mallee and this is one of the beetles responsible!
The mystery of the Abnormal Jewel Beetle
A 67 year-old mystery has been solved by citizen science and social media, and a lost Jewel Beetle has been rediscovered.