September socials
I’ve not done this before, but here is a round up of our social media posts for last month. You may have already seen these on Facebook or Instagram, but perhaps not everyone loves the social media rabbit hole (that’s you mum and dad!).
Brown Striped Skink (Ctenotus brachyonyx)
Phil found this lizard when he was doing some low-intensity patch burns about a month ago. He thought he'd killed it because it was stiff and unresponsive, so he put it in the car to bring home and show me. And we didn't see it again for another month! The poor lizard has been living in the car, making occasional cameo appearances, and then disappearing again. We've recaptured him now and returned him to the spiky Triodia grass tussocks where he likes to live.
Eastern Brown Snake
It’s snake season! Very glad of the long lens on the camera to photograph this.
Murnong or Yam Daisy (Microseris walteri)
This plant hides in the spiky Porcupine Grass tussocks to avoid kangaroos eating it. It flowers throughout September in the Mallee. Murnong dies back over Summer and resprouts from the tuber the following Spring.
I've learnt some new tricks when growing this species for revegetation and added them to the Murnong blog post here.
How cute are these guys? These are tiny Preying Mantid nymphs hatching from an ootheca. Oothecae, or egg cases, are common to termites, cockroaches and mantids.
I’m not sure what species of mantid this is, but they are probably in the Tribe Archimantini.