Fairywrens in full color

Fairywrens! The bright blue one is a Splendid Fairywren - check out the “face-fan” display. Apparently this flaring of the iridescent blue ear tufts is a sexual or aggressive display ... yeah-nah not so scary ...

The red shouldered feller is a Purple-backed Fairywren. Fairywrens seem to be a bit like orchids: beautiful but a taxonomic nightmare. In 2018, what we knew as a Variegated Fairywren was split off and are now only found east of the Dividing Range. Our ex-Variegated are now called Purple-backed, which is odd because they don’t really have a purple back ...

Purple-backed Fairywren

Purple-backed Fairywren

I hope I have all that correct, I learnt it here at https://fairywrenproject.org This citizen science project is asking us to record the plumage of the Fairywrens we see.


Southern Whiteface


Wandering lichen