Native Pine for revegetation
August is the time to sow seed of native Pine (Callitris gracilis) so the tubestock will be ready to plant out in Autumn. Most species for revegetation are sown in November – December, but Pine take a little longer to grow.
I sow the seed directly into the pots, keep them watered and hopefully have a few hundred for revegetation on Raakajlim.
Callitris gracilis- Slender Cypress Pine were once widespread across the sandy areas of the Mallee forming open woodlands, often with other species such as Buloke. They were heavily harvested in the early days for buildings, fence posts and firewood, particularly because the wood is termite resistant.
A drought resistant tree 5-10 metres tall, with lush green foliage. It provides food and, after 50 or so years, hopefully hollows for Pink Cockatoos.
First published in July 2020 but I’ve shifted this to August because I now think July is a little early to sow seed.