Tree Dtella

This is the Tree Dtella (Gehyra versicolor). When we moved into our house there were none of these guys around. We think because the previous owners had the house and shed fumigated regularly for spiders.

Tree dtella Geyyra variegata 2020-09 (2).jpg

After a few years of welcoming bugs, spiders and their biodegradable streamers, the Tree Dtellas are out in force. They hang out on the windows and catch moths attracted to the lights. They are almost transparent and sometimes you can almost see the moths wriggling around inside ...

I had a moment of panic when I uploaded these photos. Perhaps I have misidentified these and they're really Marbled Geckos (Christinus marmoratus). But I can see the "flat digits with large semi-circular pads, all except the inner one on each foot prominently clawed" - thanks Michael Swan and Simon Watharow "Snakes, lizards and frogs of the Victorian Mallee".

Check out the missing toes on this guy! Comes from living on the sliding door I guess.

Check out the missing toes on this guy! Comes from living on the sliding door I guess.

  • First published 26 November 2020

flat digits with large semi-circular pads, all except the inner one on each foot prominently clawed

flat digits with large semi-circular pads, all except the inner one on each foot prominently clawed


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