What birds can be seen in the Victorian Mallee?

A checklist of birds from the Victorian Mallee

Here is a list of all the birds we have seen on Raakajlim. As at 31/03/2024, our list sits at 156 species.

In the Excel spreadsheet, the “checklist” tab is our bird list. We’ve broken it down into how often we see the species:

  • Regular - easily found in appropriate habitat at the right time of year

  • Often - Found with some effort in appropriate habitat at the right time of year

  • Occasional - Not typically observed. Has shown up once or twice and always very exciting to see.

  • water” is used to note that these species were only observed when Raakajlim Creek was in flood during 2022/2023

I have also included birds recorded from some nearby places to give you a broader idea of Mallee birds. The bird records from nearby are from eBird hotspots  https://ebird.org/hotspots

If you would like to start your own checklist for birds you might see when visiting Raakajlim, I recommend this list from eBird https://ebird.org/printableList?regionCode=L921559&yr=all&m=

Another great spot for bird checklists is Birdlife Australia. Within about 5km of Raakajlim there have been 214 species recorded. I have included these in the “Birdata” tab. I like this list because it gives a reporting rate that gives you an idea how common something is https://birdata.birdlife.org.au/explore#map=-34.5735447_142.3895699_13&visible_on_map=true 


Parrots and cockatoos